Let us be your ally to help you realise your investment in the shortest time possible. Invest in Aragon places a team of experts at your disposal to guide you through the whole deployment process. We offer our experience free of charge so your project in Aragon can become a reality.
We can provide support at the following stages:
Request for Information:
Try us out, we will provide you all sorts of information for the decision-making process – costs, suppliers, job market, etc.
Finding a location:
We offer a wide range of possibilities to set up your business in Aragon, from land to offices or industrial units.
Relations with the Public Administration:
We will guide you through the procedures for permits and licences, and monitor all notifications on subsidies that match your investment project.
Declaration of the investment being of regional interest:
Aragon facts tracks crucial investment projects by reducing the legal deadlines for processing applications.
Identification of potential partners and local suppliers.
Location of funding.
Relocation services:
We can help you with applications for visas and residence permits for the accommodation of managers and their families.
Avda. de Ranillas, 3A
Oficina 2ºA. 50018 Zaragoza. España
Phone: +34 976 221 571
Email: invest@investinaragon.com