Zaragoza International Airport is the main cargo hub in Spain
High-speed trains to Madrid and Barcelona every hour
25 million people within a 3-hour truck drive from Zaragoza
Zaragoza International Airport – 2nd highest cargo volume in Spain | Average 18% yearly growth in freight volume since 2009 | Integrated with PLAZA logistics platform | Custom office & perishable terminal 365 days | 160,000m2 platform for cargo aircraft.
PLATA Teruel Airport – The largest MRO Industrial Hub in Europe | Long-term aircraft parking (120 ha) | Capacity up to 250 aircraft | 330,000m2 of industrial area |108,000m2 for MRO activities.
PLAZA Intermodal Terminal – Operating 24/7/365 | Platforms for 750m-long convoys | 7,500 trains & 110.000 TEUs yearly | 290,000m2 dry port.
Zaragoza Maritime Terminal – 2nd biggest dry dock in Spain | 350,000TEUs managed per year | 8 direct trains to Barcelona Port every day | Reefer Service.
Intermodal Terminal Monzón – 150,000m2.
High speed train(AVE) – 20 daily connections to Madrid & 23 to Barcelona in 1hr 20min.
Delivery by truck to main European destinations (Paris, Milan, Düsseldor, etc.) in 16 hrs. 3- hour drive to Madrid & Barcelona | High-capacity motorways to France, Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia | Same-day delivery and return for Madrid & Barcelona | Freight corridor between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic coast.
Avda. de Ranillas, 3A (Antigua C/Pablo Ruiz Picasso, 63A) Oficina 2ºA. 50018 Zaragoza. España
Phone: +34 976 221 571